Love Your Body

I wish people could love themselves more. Majority of us are trying to lose weight and maintain a certain body weight in order to fulfill the ideal image of what a perfect body should be, as portrayed by the media.

I’m looking at girls trying the skip meals, or eating unhealthy food after taking diet pills. I wish they know that they are hurting themselves by doing that. I wish they could set their priorities straight. Instead of skipping meals and taking diet pills, developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more beneficial in the long run. Do you think you’ll be able to skip meals for the rest of your lives? Once you stop what you’re doing now and go back to your previous eating habits and lack of exercise, your body will return to its previous weight.

Change your mentality about healthy eating and working out. Watch what you’re feeding your body. You have only one body, if someone’s going to treasure it, it’s you. Follow the current updated food pyramid for your diet. Lots of vegetables, some complex carbs, a good portion of protein, some fruits, nuts and yogurt for snack. No, you don’t have to cut out on your favorite snacks, desserts and junk food. Cheating is allowed. I allow myself a small piece of chocolate once a day, as my reward for consuming healthy food for the majority of the day. I indulge in my favorite cakes, chips and cookies from time to time. Don’t go blaming yourself if you do that. Doing this keeps you sane, it makes the lifestyle more attainable. Lastly, make sure you’re drinking enough water.

Exercising. Something you should be doing for your whole life. It is not only for now. If you think that you can stop working out once you’ve reached your target weight and body, you’re wrong. Exercising is vital for your health, physically and mentally. Find something that you enjoy doing. There are multiple options, walking, climbing the stairs, dancing, sports, yoga, pilates, running, anything that makes you smile and feel accomplished after. Change it up after the routine becomes mundane. Stay active throughout the day. Once you got into the habit of working out, you’ll yearn for the adrenaline rush that gives you a major mood lift.

On the other hand, there are people living a healthy lifestyle who get condemned by others. If someone is seen having a bowl full of veges and lean proteins, here in Malaysia, they will receive comments that they are trying to lose weight and what not. Why is that? Eating healthily isn’t necessary only for losing weight, it is what’s good for your body, it is what everybody should be doing.

If you find that you’re still not satisfied with your body after doing all that, perhaps you should evaluate on whether you’re putting enough effort, or your goals should be more realistic. We are born with a certain body type. There’s a limit on how your body shape can be. Don’t be top hard on yourself. Take it easy, focus on self-love instead of trying to fit in the status quo.

Research shows that you feel better emotionally when your body is fed enough nutrition. The next time you’re wondering why you’re feeling rather down lately, try to watch what you’re feeding yourself, and get a good workout. You will feel much better.

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